
How does Neurosonic work?

Neurosonic relaxation devices produce very low-frequency vibration that has a relaxing effect on the autonomic nervous system. They direct the body into a meditation-like state that relieves stress, enhances recovery, and restores healthy sleep mechanisms. Different effects are achieved in different power and frequency ranges: For example, relaxation and recovery programmes help an athlete or a stressed individual recover faster, and activation programmes increase alertness and prepare the body for future performance.

Neurosonic is not a medical device.

Neurosonic as an alleviator of sleep disorders

A study on the effects of Neurosonic low-frequency therapy on the sleep quality of patients suffering from primary insomnia , conducted at the Helsinki sleep clinic (year 2013) under the leadership of sleep researcher Markku Partinen, mapped the sleep disorders of 16 people using a randomized comparison experiment. Sleep actigraphy measurements showed a significant decrease in movement during sleep, which directly correlates with deeper sleep. Surveys related to the study also found significant changes in anxiety and fear states, which can significantly disrupt sleep. 70% of the examined persons received help in five treatment sessions, which significantly reduced anxiety, obsessive-compulsive symptoms and fearful states.

Heli Haapaniemi's research (year 2013) focused on the effects of the Neurosonic method in the treatment of stress and sleep disorders. The study was based on Neurosonic chair treatment sets, evaluation of subjective sensations and biosignal measurements, which measured the electrical activity of the heart (EEG, EMG and ECG). Based on the research data, it can be concluded that the method affected the function of the autonomic nervous system by increasing the activity of the parasympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system that promotes recovery. This was also noticeable from the heart rate variability results, which indicated that the subjects were more relaxed after the research period than before.

Neurosonic as a recovery promoter

The research carried out by Veera Ikonen (year 2013) examined the acute effects of the Neurosonic low-frequency method on variables describing physiological and subjective recovery. The study measured the immediate effects of the Neurosonic method after sports training on resting heart rate, heart rate variability, blood lactic acid concentration, the feeling of recovery and the quality of the next night's sleep. As a summary of the research results, it can be stated that even a single Neurosonic treatment seems to have a positive effect on the activation of the recovery nervous system and recovery from physical exercise.

Additional studies on the effects of vibration

What does Neurosonic affect?


The activity of the autonomic nervous system is balanced, making recovery more efficient. At the same time, muscle blood circulation and metabolism recover faster.

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Stress relief

The nerve pathways in an alert state calm down, and positive changes take place in neurotransmitter activity, allowing recovery.

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Sleep quality

When the mechanisms of sleep are restored, it is easier to fall asleep, nocturnal awakenings are reduced, and sleep quality improves and becomes more restorative.

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