Iiro used data to measure recovery - The restorative sleep time has significantly increased after the adoption of Neurosonic.

Iiro Koskinen, a sales manager going through his juggling years, first got to know Neurosonic through his job. We had access to Firstbeat measurement data and feedback from Iiro, which shows the impact of Neurosonic technology on Iiro's wellbeing very clearly. The measurements were taken between autumn 2020 and winter 2021. He started to use the Neurosonic motorised bed in late December 2020.

Before the active use of Neurosonic, Iiro’s high stress levels lowered the overall result of the Firstbeat analysis. According to Firstbeat, at the time, Iiro was experiencing stress at a daily level that could be considered normal, but his body could not break out of the stress state or enter a restorative cycle until he slept at night. Recovery also started quite late in his sleep, because although his daily bedtime was between 10.00 and 10.30 pm, the recovery period often started between 1.00 and 2.30 am. His heart rate variation during that period was 45 ms.

The Neurosonic motorised bed arrived at Iiro’s home in December 2020 and from then on, every night from 9.30 to 10 pm, Iiro used the 39-minute relaxation programme at 50% power. The measurement data have shown that the recovery period starts immediately after the start of the programme, or at least brings the stress curves down to zero. Iiro feels that falling asleep has also become much easier and he always falls asleep either during the programme or immediately after it ends. The data shows that the previous short recovery time has been extended considerably, as it continues from the start until the morning – meaning that there are up to 3 more hours of recovery per day than before. A positive reaction is also seen in the heart rate variability, which has increased to around 70 ms, compared to 45 ms before Neurosonic.

Iiro also points out in his feedback that they had a second child at the end of November, which means that the improved results for the period (approx. 20 overall points 2020 vs 2021) have been achieved despite the baby sleeping in their bed and waking up during the night to eat. Otherwise, Iiro's routines follow the normal family routine: bed between 10.00 and 11.00 pm and wake up at 7.00 am, sports three times a week (volleyball/padel), work 8 to 9 h on weekdays, plus dog walking and going out with the kids when the weather allows.

The biggest takeaway from the data that Iiro wants to highlight is the amount of recovery. In the 2020 measurements before the purchase of the Neurosonic motorised bed, the overall result of each measurement was that the body's resources had decreased from the baseline. In the measurements taken in 2021, Neurosonic had helped to maintain the body's resources at the same level throughout the measurement, i.e. the level of stress and recovery has levelled out. In Iiro's experience, all of this is reflected in a general improvement in everyday life and he feels more rested in the mornings than before.

Marco's notions on the above test period and its results

The dramatic change for the better in Iiro’s recovery is just one of hundreds of cases we have witnessed, but it is an excellent illustration of the impact of Neurosonic technology on the nervous system. There has been a significant increase in heart rate variability in just over a month, despite the addition of a baby to the family who keeps him up at night! The quality of sleep has also improved and this is reflected in a better state of alertness and wellbeing. This also contributes to a reduction in perceived stress in everyday life. The importance of recovery cannot be overemphasised and Neurosonic, as a company, specialises in promoting it. Better recovery and improved sleep quality have a significant impact on immunity and illness prevention. It also has a positive impact on all aspects of social life at work and in leisure time. What is also important in Iiro’s case is that the perceived improvement in recovery and alertness goes hand in hand with the Firstbeat measurement data. The psychological experience of one's own wellbeing is an important force that sustains health.